- Gold Seal Credits: 3
- Licensed Residential Builder CPD Points: 4
Construction Industry Ethics
Created for the Canadian construction industry. Learn the core principles of ethical behaviour and gain the skills to evaluate situations and make decisions using an ethical framework. Mandatory course for those pursuing Gold Seal Certification.
3 Hours
$350.00 excl. GST
Ethical behaviour is paramount in the construction industry. By maintaining high ethical standards, and being consistent in our practices, we thrive both personally and professionally. Through practical examples of ethical decision making this course is designed to help you navigate the ethical grey areas you face every day and understand ethics as it relates to the construction industry.
Gold Seal Certification
- This is a mandatory course for Gold Seal Certification (GSC)
- Effective May 2021, GSC application requirements for the Ethics course changed.
- Before May 2021: GSC Applicants were required to take two (2) Ethics courses: both an approved in-class/virtual Ethics course as well as another approved E-Learning Ethics course.
- New Requirement Effective May 2021: GSC Ethics course content has been updated. GSC applicants now take one (1) Ethics course and can choose either the in-class/virtual format or the E-Learning format. Learn more about the in-class/virtual class HERE
- Questions? Contact Gold Seal for information and help with your GSC application requirements: goldseal@cca-acc.com
What Will You Learn?
By the end of the course, you will be able to:
- Understand what is included in ‘ethical behaviour’
- Be aware of the importance of ethics in business
- Know how to make ethical decisions
- Recognize ethics in the context of the law
- Understand the direct link between ethics and a company’s success
Course Format
- Self-paced e-learning course
- Course content contains interactive elements, scenarios, videos, and quizzes to reinforce learning
- About 3 hours of self-paced instruction
- A final mark of 100% is required in order to receive a certificate of completion. The final test will be multiple-choice, and if you don’t succeed on your first attempt, you can continue to re-take the test until you pass. Your course completion certificate will not be released until you successfully complete the final test with a score of 100%.
Technical Requirements
Supported Operating Systems:
- Computers: Windows, Apple
- Smartphones/Tablets: Android, Apple
Compatible Internet Browsers: Google Chrome, Safari, Microsoft Edge, Firefox
Internet connection is required
Course Access
E-Learning Courses are offered through our third-party e-learning platform. Once purchased the registrant will receive an email that includes:
- Instructions on accessing the course
- A unique course pin
Please take care to ensure that the course pin is being used for the intended course.
No Refunds or Cancellations
Online course orders and purchases are a final sale. Once your sale or order is placed, we cannot provide a refund or cancel your purchase. Please ensure that you are purchasing the correct training before placing your order or making your purchase.
E-Learning Provider
This course is delivered through BuildForce Canada’s E-Learning Centre. BuildForce Canada provides Canada’s construction and maintenance industry with the information and resources it needs to meet and manage its workforce requirements. Focusing on three key areas — labour market information, recruitment and retention, and e-learning and skills development - their programs and initiatives have helped the industry build the capacity and capability required to meet current and future workforce demand since 2001. Learn more about BuildForce Canada online at www.buildforce.ca