Industry & Partner Events and Programs
VICA’s Education Department has formed unique partnerships to help YOU save with your training and educational needs. Please see below for our complete list of partner events, and training opportunities.
If you’re interested in partnering with us, contact Jessica at

SiteReadyBC replaces CSTS-09.
SiteReadyBC is the first comprehensive construction site safety orientation program developed in British Columbia, providing workers with the core knowledge they need to understand the safety requirements of any construction site in the province and to work there with confidence.
BCCSA in consultation with stakeholders from the BC construction industry, SiteReadyBC is already being cited by some employers and project owners as a prerequisite for working on their projects. Many employers are now planning to make SiteReadyBC certification mandatory for all workers entering any project construction site.
SiteReadyBC is available online to employers, safety training partners, and individuals who want to upgrade their skills or are preparing to re-enter the construction workforce. SiteReadyBC completely replaces and improves on the CSTS-09 program previously used by BC employers to certify 75,000 construction workers in the province.
Focused entirely on the BC construction industry, SiteReadyBC is designed to deliver vital safety information to busy students, who learn at their own pace using any Internet-connected device. Rich in interactive features, the program makes practical learning more personal and more engaging. Most course participants complete the program in six to eight hours.
The program is delivered in four parts:
- Part 1 provides up-to-date and expanded content covering BC laws and regulations, and information on: worker rights and responsibilities; employer responsibilities; hazard management; workplace conduct; and inspections, accident reporting and investigations.
- Part 2 provides instruction on: emergency preparedness; workplace general conditions; personal protective equipment; noise hazards; and Canada’s Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS 2015).
- Part 3 covers: manual lifting; tools, machinery and equipment; mobile equipment; electrical safety; and ladders and scaffolds.
- Part 4 offers instruction on: demolition; working at heights; excavation and trenching; cranes, hoists and rigging; and confined space entry
Before SiteReadyBC, construction workers required separate training and certification on the identification of controlled products under WHMIS-2015. SiteReadyBC provides the necessary instruction under that regulation, certifying workers who successfully complete the program under WHMIS-2015 at no additional cost.
The program is also designed to assist employers in meeting their obligations under BC’s OHSR Part 3.23, requiring them to provide vital safety information to new and young workers.
SiteReadyBC course content is always under review by the safety experts at BCCSA, ensuring that information is always fresh, up to date, and relevant.
BC 1 Call

The Vancouver Island Construction Association is a proud partner of BC 1 Call’s Education Partner Program.
Through BC 1 Call’s Resource Program, VICA Members can utilize BC 1 Call’s Online Locate Request Webinars, Software Tips, and extensive Resources list. For more information, click here.
BC 1 Call is a founding member of the Before You Dig Partners, which also includes Alberta One Call, Manitoba Common Ground Alliance Inc. and Sask 1st Call.